Categories Games

The MacEpic Legacy: Movin’ Up

It’s been a while since I played The Sims 3, and a while since the MacEpic family got any love. I’ve played since my last update, though I didn’t report on what happened. I’m sure I’ve forgotten some things, but here are the basics. I went ahead and had Frederick Continue Reading

Categories Alaska

Starvation Gulch 2010

UAF has many traditions, I’m sure, but the one best-known by the bulk of the student body is Starvation Gulch. Starvation Gulch occurs on a Saturday at the end of September every year, and involves a great deal of fire. Six bonfires are constructed to one side of the Taku Continue Reading

Categories Miscellany

The Assumptions of Pro-Equality Arguments

Nine years later edit (April 18, 2019): This starts off sounding bad, but marks a turning point where I started looking favorably at affirmative action. If I were to write this today, it would be phrased much differently. More often than not, when I hear someone arguing for better equality, Continue Reading

Categories Alaska

Chena Hot Springs

Ash and Patti offered to bring me and my stuff up to Fairbanks because they’d been considering a trip up to Chena Hot Springs anyway. I found the idea quite pleasing — not only is Patti’s car much younger and in much better shape than Dad’s car (he’d offered to Continue Reading

Categories Alaska

Abandoned Mine

As I mentioned in an earlier post, one of the locals in Juneau directed me to a nearby abandoned mine a short walk away from downtown. The walk was uphill, but pleasantly so, and getting there was well worth the trek. The place is sweet. Daryl and Mike told me later Continue Reading

Categories Alaska

Downtown Juneau

Downtown Juneau is tourist country. It’s as bad as Hawaii in that respect — you step off the cruise ship to face narrow streets overloaded with tiny shops catering to people with money to burn. It thins out a bit as you get away from the docks, but there’s still Continue Reading