I lived in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan for eleven months as part of a college-level student exchange program. There were very few English-speakers there and few of those were native English-speakers. I had a variety of adventures (and misadventures), both solo and with friends. The following are two of my favorite Continue Reading
Bright Green Gaijin Pants, Post 3-5
My first blog, titled Bright Green Gaijin Pants, was a chronicle of my time as an exchange student in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan. I’ve decided to repost its contents on this blog. For a full list of all these posts, check out the Bright Green Gaijin Pants category. The first blog Continue Reading
The Problem with Modern Television
I’ve watched the first few episodes of the remake of V (Not for Vendetta! V, a different sci-fi show.) showing on ABC. I don’t think I will be watching any more. This is not because it’s bad. On the contrary, I think they’ve done an excellent job of updating the Continue Reading
Showing Up to a Raid is Good Etiquette
Some World of Warcraft players have a chronic problem with accepting raid invitations and failing to show up to them. It’s a problem I’ve seen before in Dungeons & Dragons, as well. The player is of the “it’s only a game” mentality — since it’s only a game, it doesn’t Continue Reading
Work in Progress: My First Quilt (Top)
I have completed my first patchwork quilt top! It’s actually been completed for a couple of weeks, but I didn’t get around to taking pictures of it quickly. I cut three 2.5″ squares from each of 40 different fabrics, which I put in a bag. After shaking the bag until Continue Reading
Bright Green Gaijin Pants, Post 3-4
My first blog, titled Bright Green Gaijin Pants, was a chronicle of my time as an exchange student in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan. I’ve decided to repost its contents on this blog. For a full list of all these posts, check out the Bright Green Gaijin Pants category. The first blog Continue Reading
Making the Best Use of Recount, Part 5: Damage Taken and Friendly Fire
This is the fifth in a series of posts about Recount, an add-on for World of Warcraft. It gathers and reports on data taken during combat. The next two reports I cover, again clicking to the right in Recount, are not complicated. Their formats are similar to those of reports Continue Reading
Netflix — On Mah PS3!
I first took up Netflix eons ago, when there was no service hub in Anchorage, Alaska. Turn around time on my new rentals, from the day I dropped a DVD in the mail for return to Netflix, was about a week. I was thinking it wasn’t really worth it when Continue Reading
Bright Green Gaijin Pants, Post 3-3
My first blog, titled Bright Green Gaijin Pants, was a chronicle of my time as an exchange student in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan. I’ve decided to repost its contents on this blog. For a full list of all these posts, check out the Bright Green Gaijin Pants category. The first blog Continue Reading
The Birth of a Quilt Log
I went to the Loussac Library fall book sale last weekend. I was hoping to find good Japanese reading material, but they were pretty much cleaned out on that. I did find some quilt books, though. I only ended up with one because this one lady snapped up every quilt Continue Reading