Categories Bright Green Gaijin Pants

Bright Green Gaijin Pants, Post 3-2

My first blog, titled Bright Green Gaijin Pants, was a chronicle of my time as an exchange student in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan. I’ve decided to repost its contents on this blog. For a full list of all these posts, check out the Bright Green Gaijin Pants category. The first blog Continue Reading

Categories Alaska

Anchorage Log Cabin Quilters 2009 Quilt Show

The local quilters guild, the Anchorage Log Cabin Quilters, runs a quilt show every September. This years started yesterday and ends today, running from 10 AM to 4 PM with their silent small quilt auction ending at two and a raffle quilt being given away at 3:30. And if you Continue Reading

Categories Alaska

First Visit to Quilt Tree

I finally got off my duff and walked over to Quilt Tree this evening. Up ’til today I had gone exclusively to Seams Like Home due to its extremely close proximity to my place of work. (Well, except for one after-hours fail attempt to hit the quilt shop in Eagle Continue Reading

Categories Miscellany

A Quarter of a Century

As of a couple of days go, I am 25. I have witnessed a quarter of a century. The first major event I was really cognizant of was the fall of the Berlin Wall. I was living in upstate New York at the time. My father was still in the Continue Reading