Categories Development

Phonics Shmup: Rebuilding in Unity

I was thinking about the fact that my students are young and Japanese, and more easily impressed by flashy things than non-flashy ones. I am not a graphic artist, really, so I decided to rebuild my phonics shmup in Unity. The ease of grabbing things from the asset store aids Continue Reading

Categories Development

Phonics Shmup Progress, 4/22

I participated in Ludum Dare last weekend. Although it was far from my most successful LD in terms of getting a good game done, since I used the Godot Engine to make it I learned a lot. This is particularly true in the area of dealing with collisions. So it Continue Reading

Categories Development

Phonics Shmup Progress, 4/15

It’s been a few days, including a Ludum Dare weekend, since I actually did some work on my phonics shmup. It was a pretty productive time, though. As the screenshot shows, I added shields to the enemies. However, I also did a big reorganization of my Trello board. Development Itself Continue Reading

Categories Games

Let’s Talk About… Epistory: Typing Chronicles

There’s an awesome game out called Epistory: Typing Chronicles. It’s an adventure game controlled entirely via typing, and although it looks to some like just another typing game, it’s not. Script is below.

Categories Development

Phonics shmup progress, 3/8 and 3/14

I am trying to get in the habit of changing how I talk about this project. Apparently shmups don’t count as shooters to some people. The way I see it, you’re shooting things, ergo it is a shooter, but I prefer to use terms in standard ways, so here we Continue Reading

Categories Games

Let’s Talk About Alto’s Adventure

I don’t generally like endless runners, but Alto’s Adventure is something special. Below is the script for my newest Let’s Talk About… video discussing why.