I wrote an email to Netflix, which I was unable to send them the way I’d intended. They only offer customer support through online chat and telephone and refused to give me an email address, so I pasted it into the online chat customer service. Here’s what I sent them.
The Japanese and the Weather
Up until now, I’ve been keeping my JET Program blog posts on a separate blog. I want to blog more regularly, but have no desire to devote the time necessary to keep two blogs up at once, so I’m merging it into this blog. The now defunct blog is here. Continue Reading
Future Plan Roller Coaster
My mother tells me that the first time I expressed future plans, I said I wanted to be a teacher. I don’t remember that. The first thing I remember wanting to be was an astronaut… specifically, a pilot. Much as I like learning the results of scientific experiments, I don’t Continue Reading
Sims 3 Hiatus
It seems I’ll be on a Sims 3 hiatus indefinitely. I recently bought a shiny new Mac. This means a lot of the games I purchased through Steam, including The Sims 3, are not playable until I get my hands on a copy of Windows and set up dual boot Continue Reading
The Stage, My Life, and a Good Book
Theatre has played a huge part in my life. Learning to Love Drama I’d give you specific examples, but the truth is that theatre is so tied to who I am that an attempt at making an exhaustive list would fail to properly explain. I made my debut on stage Continue Reading
SimCity Social Review
With a new SimCity game on the horizon for the first time in too many years, I decided to break my usual habit of boycotting Facebook games for being wastes of good gaming time and try SimCity Social.
My Entry for the TableTop Father’s Day Contest & TableTop in General
Mid last month, I finally uploaded a video with my face in it to YouTube. It was for the TableTop Father’s Day contest. The prize was getting to be one of five videos compiled into one and introduced by Wil Wheaton. The challenge: to explain how gaming and your dad Continue Reading
Caine’s Arcade
I’m not usually one for sharing videos, but this one about Caine’s Arcade is too awesome to pass up. It’s about an imaginitive kid getting well-deserved recognition for his efforts. My brother never did anything of this scale to my recollection, but he did some pretty imaginitive stuff, too. One Continue Reading
The Sims 3 Legacy Challenge Scorecard Spreadsheet v2.00
Well, it’s been forever since I updated my Sims 3 Legacy Challenge Scorecard Spreadsheet. This new version is usable with every expansion up to and including Showtime.
The Guild’s New Geek Anthem Tops Amazon Charts
The Guild has released another original music video, this time titled I’m the One That’s Cool. At the time of this writing, is the #1 MP3 purchase on Amazon in both the pop and rock categories. The music itself is pleasant to listen to, though nothing special. It’s the lyrics, however, that Continue Reading