Categories Cartoons

Tangled, Part 2

Sorry for the delay between the first post about Tangled and this one. Spoilerfest! As I mentioned in part one, I have a healthy amount of respect for the backstory of the movie. The changes they made from the original tale left them a lot of room to maneuver while keeping the Continue Reading

Categories Miscellany

Blackout Day

When rumors started flying around the internet that companies like Google and Facebook were considering a coordinated blackout to protest SOPA and PIPA, I eagerly hoped for a complete takedown of the sites. That hasn’t happened to nearly the degree I wanted, and I fear it won’t be enough to Continue Reading

Categories Cartoons

Tangled, Part 1

I didn’t get around to watching Disney’s Tangled until a few days ago. Though I missed it in theaters, it came up in a Facebook discussion about Pixar’s upcoming Brave. Reminded of it, I got my hands on it and watched it. Watching the movie, I found myself conflicted. The parts Continue Reading

Categories Miscellany

Letter to my Representatives Regarding SOPA

In spite of being busy this morning, I took time to write letters to all of my representatives in the House and the Senate to ask them not to support SOPA. While I’m a little ashamed to admit this, I’m having trouble figuring out which side of Congress has the Continue Reading

Categories Games

New PlayStation Network TOS

I got an e-mail from Sony today. They’re changing how PlayStation Network (PSN) is managed, and with it they’re changing the Terms of Service. The e-mail included a link to a PDF of the new TOS for my perusal. They were nice enough to make all the changes obvious. All Continue Reading

Categories JET Program

What I’ve Been Up To

The following is copy-pasted from a post I just made on the NerdFitness forums. It pretty much sums up how things have been for me for the past couple of months. I dunno how many of you went, “Hmm… WTF happened to Crowbeak?” after I dropped off the radar, but Continue Reading

Categories Japan

The Area of a Japanese Circle

The formula for the area of a circle is pi times the square of its radius. The Japanese government has evacuated an area around the Fukushima power plants with a radius of 40km, or 5,024km sq. Right after the power plants went critical, the US government strongly recommended (at around Continue Reading

Categories Miscellany


I’m sure you’ve noticed that I haven’t updated in a while. Plans to post papers I was writing during the school year kinda fell flat. I still may post them here later. For now, I’d like to talk a bit about the school year and having graduated. Last summer, when Continue Reading

Categories Miscellany

Airplanes and Construction Equipment

Sometimes the most remarkable things seem commonplace. I mean, when you think about it, jet travel is pretty freaking remarkable. You get in a plane, it defies the gravity of an entire planet by exploiting a loophole with air pressure, and it flies across distances that would take months or Continue Reading

Categories Japan

The Molted Cicada

This was written for one of my classes this semester. The class is titled Women’s Voices in Japanese Literature. The assignment was to compare/contrast two poems from The Tale of Genji, one of the staples of classic Japanese literature. There are many tanka poems in The Tale of Genji. These Continue Reading