First things first: read Zach Gage’s Evolving the IGF and then come back. He argues that the IGF could be highlighting more games in general, and more interesting-if-not-perfectly-executed games specifically, by changing the judging categories. This is an idea I wholeheartedly support. I think there’s room for discussion about what Continue Reading
Let’s Talk About That Dragon, Cancer
That Dragon, Cancer has finally come out, and it is a doozy — enough of one that I’m releasing this week’s Let’s Talk About video ahead of schedule. Script is below.
Let’s Talk About Mini Metro
Downwell surprised me by being so awesome that I felt a strong need to make it the subject of my first Let’s Talk About [GAME] video, but this is the game I originally planned to do first. Mini Metro is my personal favorite game of 2015. Script is below.
Let’s Talk About Downwell
Happy new year! I’ve made another video for YouTube, this time about a roguelite game called Downwell. The script is after the break. If you don’t know what I mean by roguelite, check out my video RogueliKes, RogueliTes, and Procedural Death Labyrinths.
Pondering RogueliKes, RogueliTes, and Procedural Death Labyrinths
It’s been forever and a day since I posted anything here. Fall is busy in general for me as a JET ALT who is very involved with her schools. I was also working on and releasing my first finished video game, Ultra Hat Dimension. It was a great, if stressful Continue Reading
Dragon Age, Ma Vhenan: The Lore is a Lie
This is cross-posted from my blog on Gamasutra. I’ve finally figured out how to talk about the root of my deep love for Dragon Age: Inquisition without spending an hour or more spoiling the story and lore of the setting for the listener. I stumbled upon this during a Skype Continue Reading
Dragon Age, Ma Vhenan: Lovers, Choice, and the Keep
Warning: Dragon Age spoilers all over the place. Also, this is cross-posted from my Gamasutra blog. Love Amidst the Horrors of the Fifth Blight I can’t recall if I started Dragon Age: Origins with the knowledge that romance with party members was possible. I do recall falling in love with Continue Reading
Dragon Age, Ma Vhenan: Magic and Me
I’ve loved Dragon Age since the beginning, sinking a not inconsiderable amount of time into the first game, Dragon Age: Origins. Dragon Age 2 was a bit disappointing in comparison, having been rushed out and clearly suffering for it, but the story was still good. Dragon Age: Inquisition, however, has Continue Reading
Someone Not Me has Updated the Sims 3 Legacy Challenge Spreadsheet!
Since I’ve kinda abandoned the Sims 3 Legacy Challenge spreadsheet, someone else asked me if she could start distributing an updated version she made. I think it’s awesome that she wanted to do that and said yes. You can find her version on her site. Five years later edit (April Continue Reading
Final Fantasy XIV: Great, when logging in happens
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (hereafter ARR) officially launched last week. The developers aimed to make a game that was renowned for being terrible into something good. Square Enix didn’t anticipate so many people wanting to play, though. There are not nearly enough servers for us all. There’s been so Continue Reading