ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ You awake, feeling refreshed. From the angle of the sun on the curtains, though, it's clear that it's quite early. (link: "It's Ludum Dare day! I spring out of bed and strike a pose! WHEE!!!")[(set: $pose to true)(goto: "Get up immediately")] [[What time is it, exactly?->Check the time.]] [[Fuck it, I'm going back to sleep.->Fuck it, I'm going back to sleep.]]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ It's 6:44 AM! [[Fuck that shit. I roll over and get more sleep.->Fuck it, I'm going back to sleep.]] [[I'll go ahead and get up. There are some things I could/should do before the theme announcement.->Get up immediately]] <audio src="whut.ogg" autoplay>You roll over, snuggling into your bedding. In what feels like no time at all, you glance at the clock. You have just enough time for your regular morning routine before the theme is announced. (display: "Boot up")ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Ludum Dare 33 is this weekend! [[Yay! Viva Ludum Dare!]] [[What is this madness of which you speak?]] <audio src="start.ogg" autoplay>ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (set: $mad to 0)The Theme Slaughter has just begun. What will you do? [[Polish off my +3 Mouse of Murder and get to slaughtering!->Theme Slaughter]] [[I'll pass. It's a lot of work. I'd rather wait and vote on whatever floats to the top.->Wait for voting]] [[Whodawhutnow?]]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ <a href="http://www.ludumdare.com" target="_blank">Ludum Dare</a> is what's called a game jam. In general, game jams are short game-making competitions. They usually last for somewhere between a few days and a week, though sometimes they go on for a month. Often there are no prizes. Instead, the focus is on making a complete game from scratch using the game jam's theme within the alloted time frame. Ludum Dare is one of the better-known game jams, having gone on for some years now. It happens every four months and has two divisions, a 72-hour division and a 48-hour division. The 48-hour Compo is the classic competition and has more restrictive rules: the game must be made by a person working solo; they have to make all assets themselves during the competition; and the game's source code must be shared when the game is done. The 72-hour Jam division is a bit more lax, allowing for teams to work together, the use of previously created assets, and keeping source code secret. The <a href="http://ludumdare.com/compo/rules/" target="_blank">full rules</a> are available on the Ludum Dare web site. Does this sound like fun? Are you in? [[Fuck yeah, bring it on!->Yay! Viva Ludum Dare!]] [[Mmm... nah.]](^▽^)/ Alrighty. You should consider <a href="http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-33/" target="_blank">playing some of the games</a> that come out of it, though. They're really fun! Have a good weekend! (display: "The End") <audio src="okay.ogg" autoplay>ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ That's understandable. All that clicking can really wear on your wrist. In that case... wait a week for the (link: "voting rounds to begin")[(goto: "Time Warp")]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ The theme for Ludum Dare is always chosen from community submissions. Several weeks before the event starts, submissions open. Anyone who wants to can submit one or more theme ideas. This is great, but we end up with a zillion themes to sort through. So the next step is culling the pool of themes down to a manageable number. That's where the Theme Slaughter comes in. Every time the page is loaded, you get one of the zillion themes and can judge it, choosing Good, Bad, or Slaughter. In the end, twenty themes come out on top and go on to the regular voting rounds. So... how do feel about being the Simon Cowell of game jam themes judging? [[Let the culling begin!->Theme Slaughter]] [[Meh... I'll wait for the voting rounds.->Wait for voting]] [[Simon who?]]( ^▽^)σ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Cowell" target="_bank">Simon Cowell!</a> [[Oh! Fuck yeah, I'll make themes CRY!->Theme Slaughter]] (link: "Oh. Him. >_> I'll do the slaughtering, but please don't compare me to him.")[(set: $nosimon to true)(goto: "Theme Slaughter")] [[Hmm... nah, I'll wait for the voting rounds.->Wait for voting]] <audio src="simon.ogg" autoplay>(if: $nosimon is true)[Whoops! Sorry. (。-人-。) ]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Okay! Your first theme for the slaughter is: <div align="center">Summer</div> What do you say? (link: "Good")[(set: $judgement to "good")(goto: "Theme 2")] (link: "Bad")[(set: $judgement to "bad")(goto: "Theme 2")] (link: "Slaughter")[(set: $judgement to "slaughter")(goto: "Theme 2")](set: $votes to 1)(if: $judgement is "good")[Yeah, it's all right, I guess. Not particularly imaginitive, but whatever.](elseif: $judgement is "bad")[I'd probably go with bad, too, but only because I know there are better in the pool.](elseif: $judgement is "slaughter")[Hmm. I don't think it's worth slaughtering, but whatever floats your boat, I guess.] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Next is: <div align="center">Potato</div> What do you say? (link: "Good")[(set: $judgement to "good")(goto: "Theme 3")] (link: "Bad")[(set: $judgement to "bad")(goto: "Theme 3")] (link: "Slaughter")[(set: $judgement to "slaughter")(goto: "Theme 3")](set: $votes += 1)(if: $judgement is "good")[Damned right it is! It's a shame there isn't a "Best" option, eh?](elseif: $judgement is "bad" or $judgement is "slaughter")[щ(ಠ益ಠщ) POTATO IS THE BEST THEME YOU ARE WRONG] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Okay, new theme is.. <div align="center">You are the Monster</div> L(・o・)」 Wait. What? Are you kidding me? We just had You are the Villain a couple of LDs ago! This is bullshit. (link: "Good")[(set: $judgement to "good")(goto: "Theme 4")] (link: "Bad")[(set: $judgement to "bad")(goto: "Theme 4")] (link: "Slaughter")[(set: $judgement to "slaughter")(goto: "Theme 4")] <audio src="whut.ogg" autoplay>(set: $mad to 0)(set: $votes += 1)(if: $judgement is "good")[... (」゜ロ゜)」You're kidding, right? (link: "No, I'm totally serious. I'd love to do You are the Monster! In fact, I hope it wins.")[(set: $mad to 2)(goto: "Serious")] (link: "I think it'd be interesting.")[(set: $mad to 1)(goto: "Serious 2")] (link: "I misclicked. It's easy to do that when you go through a lot of themes in the Slaughter.")[(set: $misclick to true)(goto: "Misclicked")] ](elseif: $judgement is "bad")[That one isn't just bad, it's horrible! It's way too soon to be repeating a theme. The next theme is... gah. You know what? Nevermind. This is depressing. You keep judging themes (link: "if you want to,")[(goto: "Theme 5")] but I'll see you again when the (link: "voting rounds begin.")[(goto: "Time Warp")]](elseif: $judgement is "slaughter")[Oh, sweet slaughtering. That is the one theme I definitely *don't* want coming out on top. `*sigh*` I don't really wanna do more theme slaughtering at the moment, though. If you want to, (link: "you can,")[(goto: "Theme 5")] but otherwise I'll see you when the (link: "voting rounds begin.")[(goto: "Time Warp")]]༼ ºل͟º༽ ... ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ (text-color: red)[**RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA**] You know what? I'm leaving. If you wanna keep slaughtering themes, (link: "be my guest.")[(goto: "Theme 5")] I'll see you again when the (link: "voting rounds begin.")[(goto: "Time Warp")] Maybe by then I won't hate you.Ugh. Yeah, I hate it when that happens. Ah, well. I don't wanna do more theme stuff at the moment, though. You can, though, (link: "if you want.")[(goto: "Theme 5")] I guess I'll see you when the (link: "voting rounds begin.")[(goto: "Time Warp")] But FYI: If You Are The Monster ends up winning, I am blaming you. (;¬_¬)<img src="timewarp.png" width="640" height="480" alt="TIME WARP" align="center"> ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ [[It is time! Follow old Rafiki, he knows da way... to round 1 voting!->R1]]<audio src="timewarp.ogg" autoplay>(set: $votes += 1)<div align="center">Abandoned</div> (link: "Good")[(set: $judgement to "good")(goto: "Theme 6")] (link: "Bad")[(set: $judgement to "bad")(goto: "Theme 6")] (link: "Slaughter")[(set: $judgement to "slaughter")(goto: "Theme 6")] [[I'll wait for the voting rounds to do more voting.->Time Warp]](set: $votes += 1)<div align="center">Farts</div> (link: "Good")[(set: $judgement to "good")(goto: "Theme 7")] (link: "Bad")[(set: $judgement to "bad")(goto: "Theme 7")] (link: "Slaughter")[(set: $judgement to "slaughter")(goto: "Theme 7")] [[I'll wait for the voting rounds to do more voting.->Time Warp]](set: $votes += 1)<div align="center">Pretentious</div> (link: "Good")[(set: $judgement to "good")(goto: "Theme 8")] (link: "Bad")[(set: $judgement to "bad")(goto: "Theme 8")] (link: "Slaughter")[(set: $judgement to "slaughter")(goto: "Theme 8")] [[I'll wait for the voting rounds to do more voting.->Time Warp]](set: $votes += 1)<div align="center">Turn-based</div> (link: "Good")[(set: $judgement to "good")(goto: "Theme 9")] (link: "Bad")[(set: $judgement to "bad")(goto: "Theme 9")] (link: "Slaughter")[(set: $judgement to "slaughter")(goto: "Theme 9")] [[I'll wait for the voting rounds to do more voting.->Time Warp]](set: $votes += 1)<div align="center">Chain Reaction</div> (link: "Good")[(set: $ltrefresh += 1)(goto: "Last Theme")] (link: "Bad")[(set: $ltrefresh += 1)(goto: "Last Theme")] (link: "Slaughter")[(set: $ltrefresh += 1)(goto: "Last Theme")] [[I'll wait for the voting rounds to do more voting.->Time Warp]](set: $votes += 1)<div align="center">Potato</div> (link: "Good")[(set: $judgement to "good")(goto: "Theme 10")] (link: "Bad")[(set: $judgement to "bad")(goto: "Theme 10")] (link: "Slaughter")[(set: $judgement to "slaughter")(goto: "Theme 10")] [[I'll wait for the voting rounds to do more voting.->Time Warp]](set: $votes += 1)(set: $ltrefresh to 0)<div align="center">Cats</div> (link: "Good")[(set: $catsgood to "good")(goto: "Last Theme")] (link: "Bad")[(set: $catsgood to "bad")(goto: "Last Theme")] (link: "Slaughter")[(set: $catsgood to "slaughter")(goto: "Last Theme")] [[I'll wait for the voting rounds to do more voting.->Time Warp]]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (if: $latestround < 3)[Okay, here's the first round of voting. You can vote on as few or as many as you want.|star>[`*`] (if: $r1seen is not true)[ Wasn't Night and Day a theme in the early days of Ludum Dare? Ah well, it's grown a lot since then.(set: $r1seen to true)] 0. A Map Will Be Useful (link: "+1")[(set: $r101 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r101 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r101 to -1)-1] 0. Attraction (link: "+1")[(set: $r102 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r102 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r102 to -1)-1] 0. Balance of Power (link: "+1")[(set: $r103 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r103 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r103 to -1)-1] 0. Can't Stop Moving (link: "+1")[(set: $r104 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r104 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r104 to -1)-1] 0. Chain Reaction (link: "+1")[(set: $r105 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r105 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r105 to -1)-1] 0. Chaos (link: "+1")[(set: $r106 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r106 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r106 to -1)-1] 0. Day and Night (link: "+1")[(set: $r107 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r107 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r107 to -1)-1] 0. Deadline (link: "+1")[(set: $r108 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r108 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r108 to -1)-1] 0. Illusion of Choice (link: "+1")[(set: $r109 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r109 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r109 to -1)-1] 0. Infection (link: "+1")[(set: $r110 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r110 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r110 to -1)-1] 0. Labyrinth (link: "+1")[(set: $r111 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r111 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r111 to -1)-1] 0. Limited Capacity (link: "+1")[(set: $r112 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r112 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r112 to -1)-1] 0. Lost in the Forest (link: "+1")[(set: $r113 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r113 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r113 to -1)-1] 0. Power Supply (link: "+1")[(set: $r114 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r114 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r114 to -1)-1] 0. Seasons (link: "+1")[(set: $r115 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r115 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r115 to -1)-1] 0. Swarm (link: "+1")[(set: $r116 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r116 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r116 to -1)-1] 0. Teleporting (link: "+1")[(set: $r117 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r117 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r117 to -1)-1] 0. The Power of Two (link: "+1")[(set: $r118 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r118 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r118 to -1)-1] 0. This is Where We Die (link: "+1")[(set: $r119 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r119 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r119 to -1)-1] 0. Unexpected Connections (link: "+1")[(set: $r120 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r120 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r120 to -1)-1] [[Let me confirm my votes.->R1 Confirm]] (if: $latestround >= 3)[[[Let's blow this joint. I want Round 3.->R3]] ][[I'm sick of this poop. I want Round 2.->R2]] [[Forget it, I'll just vote on the final round.->FR]] (click: ?star)[(replace: ?star)[ *(The last number clicked for a theme will be the theme's score. If you accidentally click a second one and want to go back to the first, you'll need to confirm your votes, then modify them.)*]] ](else:)[(display: "R1 Results")]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Are you okay with your round 1 voting choices? 0. A Map Will Be Useful $r101 0. Attraction $r102 0. Balance of Power $r103 0. Can't Stop Moving $r104 0. Chain Reaction $r105 0. Chaos $r106 0. Day and Night $r107 0. Deadline $r108 0. Illusion of Choice $r109 0. Infection $r110 0. Labyrinth $r111 0. Limited Capacity $r112 0. Lost in the Forest $r113 0. Power Supply $r114 0. Seasons $r115 0. Swarm $r116 0. Teleporting $r117 0. The Power of Two $r118 0. This is Where We Die $r119 0. Unexpected Connections $r120 [[Hmm... I wanna make changes.->R1]] [[Cool, on to round 2!->R2]] [[Good enough. And I don't care about this too much. Just take me to the final round.->FR]] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (if: $latestround < 4)[(if: $latestround < 2)[(set: $latestround to 2)]Okay, here's the second round of voting. You can vote on as few or as many as you want.|star>[`*`] (if: $r2seen is not true)[ A World in the Skies is kinda generic but could lead to some really neat stuff, graphically. Abandoned would be great. Hehe... Size Matters. Oh, Victory— ... Wait. OMFG. You are the Monster made it this far?! (;¬_¬) My faith in the Ludum Dare community has been shaken.(set: $r2seen to true)(set: $playr2whut to true)] 0. A World in the Skies (link: "+1")[(set: $r201 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r201 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r201 to -1)-1] 0. Abandoned (link: "+1")[(set: $r202 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r202 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r202 to -1)-1] 0. Beyond the Wall (link: "+1")[(set: $r203 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r203 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r203 to -1)-1] 0. Curiosity (link: "+1")[(set: $r204 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r204 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r204 to -1)-1] 0. Expanding World (link: "+1")[(set: $r205 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r205 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r205 to -1)-1] 0. Experiment (link: "+1")[(set: $r206 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r206 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r206 to -1)-1] 0. Follow the Leader (link: "+1")[(set: $r207 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r207 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r207 to -1)-1] 0. Genetics (link: "+1")[(set: $r208 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r208 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r208 to -1)-1] 0. Harvest (link: "+1")[(set: $r209 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r209 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r209 to -1)-1] 0. Hidden Information (link: "+1")[(set: $r210 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r210 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r210 to -1)-1] 0. Islands (link: "+1")[(set: $r211 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r211 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r211 to -1)-1] 0. Little Things, Big Changes (link: "+1")[(set: $r212 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r212 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r212 to -1)-1] 0. Magnets (link: "+1")[(set: $r213 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r213 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r213 to -1)-1] 0. No Enemies (link: "+1")[(set: $r214 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r214 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r214 to -1)-1] 0. One Rule (link: "+1")[(set: $r215 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r215 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r215 to -1)-1] 0. Plants (link: "+1")[(set: $r216 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r216 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r216 to -1)-1] 0. Size Matters (link: "+1")[(set: $r217 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r217 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r217 to -1)-1] 0. Something's Broken (link: "+1")[(set: $r218 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r218 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r218 to -1)-1] 0. Victory Requires Sacrifice (link: "+1")[(set: $r219 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r219 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r219 to -1)-1] 0. You are the Monster (link: "+1")[(set: $r220 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r220 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r220 to -1)-1] [[Let me confirm my votes.->R2 Confirm]] [[Let's blow this joint. I want Round 3.->R3]] [[Hmmm... lemme check round 1 again.->R1]] [[Forget it, I'll just vote on the final round.->FR]] (click: ?star)[(replace: ?star)[ *(The last number clicked for a theme will be the theme's score. If you accidentally click a second one and want to go back to the first, you'll need to confirm your votes, then modify them.)*]] (if: $playr2whut is true)[<audio src="whut.ogg" autoplay> (set: $playr2whut to false)]](else:)[(display: "R2 Results")](if: $latestround < 6)[(if: $latestround < 5)[(set: $latestround to 5)](if: $r5seen is not true)[Okay. The final round has begun. The top twenty themes have been taken and whichever comes out on top will be the winner. Vote wisely.|star>[`*`] (if: $mad > 0)[And remember... *I am watching you.* (━┳━ _ ━┳━)] (set: $r5seen to true)](elseif: $mad > 0)[(━┳━ _ ━┳━)](else:)[These are the final round themes on which you can vote.] 0. A Map Will Be Useful (link: "+1")[(set: $r501 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r501 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r501 to -1)-1] 0. A World in the Skies (link: "+1")[(set: $r502 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r502 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r502 to -1)-1] 0. Abandoned (link: "+1")[(set: $r503 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r503 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r503 to -1)-1] 0. Alone in the World (link: "+1")[(set: $r504 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r504 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r504 to -1)-1] 0. Attraction (link: "+1")[(set: $r505 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r505 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r505 to -1)-1] 0. Beyond the Wall (link: "+1")[(set: $r506 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r506 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r506 to -1)-1] 0. Build Your Way Out (link: "+1")[(set: $r507 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r507 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r507 to -1)-1] 0. Can't Stop Moving (link: "+1")[(set: $r508 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r508 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r508 to -1)-1] 0. Chain Reaction (link: "+1")[(set: $r509 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r509 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r509 to -1)-1] 0. Companion (link: "+1")[(set: $r510 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r510 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r510 to -1)-1] 0. Day and Night (link: "+1")[(set: $r511 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r511 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r511 to -1)-1] 0. Death is Not the End (link: "+1")[(set: $r512 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r512 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r512 to -1)-1] 0. Destroying Yourself (link: "+1")[(set: $r513 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r513 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r513 to -1)-1] 0. Expanding World (link: "+1")[(set: $r514 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r514 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r514 to -1)-1] 0. Growing Things (link: "+1")[(set: $r515 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r515 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r515 to -1)-1] 0. Limited Capacity (link: "+1")[(set: $r516 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r516 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r516 to -1)-1] 0. No Enemies (link: "+1")[(set: $r517 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r517 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r517 to -1)-1] 0. One Rule (link: "+1")[(set: $r518 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r518 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r518 to -1)-1] 0. Power Supply (link: "+1")[(set: $r519 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r519 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r519 to -1)-1] 0. You are the Monster (link: "+1")[(set: $r520 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r520 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r520 to -1)-1] [[Let me confirm my votes.->FR Confirm]] [[Nothing left to do but wait for the theme announcement.->Time Warp 2]] [[Let me look at the round 1 results.->R1]] [[Show me the round 2 results.->R2]] [[What were the round 3 results?->R3]] [[How did the round 4 results turn out?->R4]] (click: ?star)[(replace: ?star)[ *(The last number clicked for a theme will be the theme's score. If you accidentally click a second one and want to go back to the first, you'll need to confirm your votes, then modify them.)*]] ](else:)[(display: "FR Results")]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ These are the results for the round 1 voting. The top five will go on to the final round. (if: $r1resultsseen is not true)[ The only one in the top five I'm particularly interested in is Chain Reaction. I think it's funny that the top five includes two themes with negative totals. Voters can be so harsh.(set: $r1resultsseen to true)] 0. Can't Stop Moving 244 0. Chain Reaction 197 0. A Map Will Be Useful 109 0. Power Supply -148 0. Attraction -160 0. Day and Night -171 0. Limited Capacity -186 0. Balance of Power -190 0. The Power of Two -276 0. This is Where We Die -304 0. Swarm -401 0. Infection -402 0. Unexpected Connections -439 0. Labyrinth -458 0. Seasons -471 0. Lost in the Forest -541 0. Teleporting -545 0. Chaos -551 0. Deadline -641 0. Illusion of Choice -687 (if: $latestround > 3)[(link: "Let's look at round 4.")[(goto: "R4")] ](link: "Show me round 3.")[(goto: "R3")] (link: "Give me round 2.")[(goto: "R2")] (link: "This is all too bothersome. To the final round!")[(goto: "FR")](if: $r220 > 0 and $r2angered is not true)[(set: $mad += 1)No. NO. You take that back! Downvote You are the Monster RIGHT NOW!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (set: $r2angered to true)](elseif: $r220 > 0 and $r2angered is true)[(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ](else:)[Are you okay with your voting choices?] 0. A World in the Skies $r201 0. Abandoned $r202 0. Beyond the Wall $r203 0. Curiosity $r204 0. Expanding World $r205 0. Experiment $r206 0. Follow the Leader $r207 0. Genetics $r208 0. Harvest $r209 0. Hidden Information $r210 0. Islands $r211 0. Little Things, Big Changes $r212 0. Magnets $r213 0. No Enemies $r214 0. One Rule $r215 0. Plants $r216 0. Size Matters $r217 0. Something's Broken $r218 0. Victory Requires Sacrifice $r219 0. You are the Monster $r220 [[Hmm... I wanna make changes.->R2]] [[Cool, on to round 3!->R3]] [[Can I look at round 1 again?->R1]] [[Good enough. And I don't care about this too much. Just take me to the final round.->FR]] (if: $r220 > 0)[<audio src="rawr.ogg" autoplay>]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (if: $latestround < 5)[(if: $latestround < 3)[(set: $latestround to 3)]Okay, here's the third round of voting. You can vote on as few or as many as you want.|star>[`*`] (if: $r3seen is not true)[ It seems like there's always a theme about death not being the end that makes it to the voting rounds, but no matter how close it gets, it never wins. It Spreads! seems like the funnest theme in the bunch.(set: $r3seen to true)] 0. Artificial Intelligence (link: "+1")[(set: $r301 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r301 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r301 to -1)-1] 0. Asymmetric (link: "+1")[(set: $r302 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r302 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r302 to -1)-1] 0. Build Your Way Out (link: "+1")[(set: $r303 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r303 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r303 to -1)-1] 0. Consequences (link: "+1")[(set: $r304 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r304 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r304 to -1)-1] 0. Death is Not the End (link: "+1")[(set: $r305 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r305 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r305 to -1)-1] 0. Destroying Yourself (link: "+1")[(set: $r306 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r306 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r306 to -1)-1] 0. Dreamscape (link: "+1")[(set: $r307 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r307 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r307 to -1)-1] 0. It Spreads! (link: "+1")[(set: $r308 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r308 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r308 to -1)-1] 0. It Was Not Supposed to Work Like That (link: "+1")[(set: $r309 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r309 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r309 to -1)-1] 0. Misplaced in Time (link: "+1")[(set: $r310 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r310 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r310 to -1)-1] 0. Multiple Layers (link: "+1")[(set: $r311 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r311 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r311 to -1)-1] 0. Mutation (link: "+1")[(set: $r312 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r312 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r312 to -1)-1] 0. No Combat (link: "+1")[(set: $r313 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r313 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r313 to -1)-1] 0. Parallel Dimension (link: "+1")[(set: $r314 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r314 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r314 to -1)-1] 0. Revolution (link: "+1")[(set: $r315 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r315 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r315 to -1)-1] 0. Shadows (link: "+1")[(set: $r316 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r316 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r316 to -1)-1] 0. Strange World (link: "+1")[(set: $r317 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r317 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r317 to -1)-1] 0. Stick Together (link: "+1")[(set: $r318 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r318 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r318 to -1)-1] 0. Unusual Movement (link: "+1")[(set: $r319 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r319 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r319 to -1)-1] 0. You are Not Supposed to Be Here (link: "+1")[(set: $r320 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r320 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r320 to -1)-1] [[Let me confirm my votes.->R3 Confirm]] [[Screw this noise. I want Round 4.->R4]] [[Y'know, lemme check round 2 again.->R2]] [[Hmmm... lemme check round 1 again.->R1]] [[Forget it, I'll just vote on the final round.->FR]] (click: ?star)[(replace: ?star)[ *(The last number clicked for a theme will be the theme's score. If you accidentally click a second one and want to go back to the first, you'll need to confirm your votes, then modify them.)*]] ](else:)[(display: "R3 Results")](;¬_¬) These are the results for the round 2 voting. The top five will go on to the final round. (if: $r2resultsseen is not true)[ Ugh... I can't *believe* that You are the Monster is second, though. Fucking A.(set: $r2resultsseen to true)(set: $r2rplaysound to 1)(if: $r220 > 0)[ ヽ(#`Д´)ノ THANKS BRO OR BRO-ETTE (set: $r2rplaysound to 2)]] 0. A World in the Skies 325 0. You are the Monster 303 0. Expanding World 260 0. Beyond the Wall 183 0. Abandoned 7 0. One Rule -94 0. No Enemies -173 0. Islands -217 0. Harvest -268 0. Victory Requires Sacrifice -348 0. Curiosity -402 0. Experiment -436 0. Genetics -462 0. Hidden Information -522 0. Planets -577 0. Something's Broken -607 0. Size Matters -738 0. Follow the Leader -757 0. Little Things, Big Changes -783 0. Magnets -1075 (link: "Let's look at round 4.")[(goto: "R4")] (link: "Show me round 3.")[(goto: "R3")] (link: "Give me round 1.")[(goto: "R1")] (link: "This is all too bothersome. To the final round!")[(goto: "FR")] (if: $r2rplaysound is 1)[<audio src="whut.ogg" autoplay>](elseif: $r2rplaysound is 2)[<audio src="rawr.ogg" autoplay>]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Are you okay with your round 3 voting choices? 0. Artificial Intelligence $r301 0. Asymmetric $r302 0. Build Your Way Out $r303 0. Consequences $r304 0. Death is Not the End $r305 0. Destroying Yourself $r306 0. Dreamscape $r307 0. It Spreads! $r308 0. It Was Not Supposed to Work Like That $r309 0. Misplaced in Time $r310 0. Multiple Layers $r311 0. Mutation $r312 0. No Combat $r313 0. Parallel Dimension $r314 0. Revolution $r315 0. Shadows $r316 0. Strange World $r317 0. Stick Together $r318 0. Unusual Movement $r319 0. You are Not Supposed to Be Here $r320 [[Hmm... I wanna make changes.->R3]] [[Cool, on to round 4!->R4]] (link: "Can I look at round 2 again?")[(goto: "R2")] (link: "I wanna look at the round 1 results.")[(goto: "R1")] [[Good enough. And I don't care about this too much. Just take me to the final round.->FR]] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (if: $latestround < 5)[(if: $latestround < 4)[(set: $latestround to 4)]Okay, here's the fourth round of voting. You can vote on as few or as many as you want.|star>[`*`] (if: $r4seen is not true)[ None of these strike me as particularly great... Work Together might mean a lot of multiplayer games, and since I live in the middle of nowhere Japan, I definitely don't want that one to win.(set: $r4seen to true)] 20 themes plus 1 “joke” theme. Can you guess which one is the joke? 0. Alone in the World (link: "+1")[(set: $r401 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r401 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r401 to -1)-1] 0. Break the System (link: "+1")[(set: $r402 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r402 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r402 to -1)-1] 0. Companion (link: "+1")[(set: $r403 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r403 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r403 to -1)-1] 0. Connections (link: "+1")[(set: $r404 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r404 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r404 to -1)-1] 0. Destroy to Create (link: "+1")[(set: $r405 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r405 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r405 to -1)-1] 0. Everyday Hazards (link: "+1")[(set: $r406 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r406 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r406 to -1)-1] 0. Growing Things (link: "+1")[(set: $r407 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r407 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r407 to -1)-1] 0. Hallucination (link: "+1")[(set: $r408 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r408 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r408 to -1)-1] 0. Imperfect Information (link: "+1")[(set: $r409 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r409 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r409 to -1)-1] 0. Indirect Control (link: "+1")[(set: $r410 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r410 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r410 to -1)-1] 0. Little But Mighty (link: "+1")[(set: $r411 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r411 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r411 to -1)-1] 0. Mind Control (link: "+1")[(set: $r412 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r412 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r412 to -1)-1] 0. Perspective (link: "+1")[(set: $r413 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r413 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r413 to -1)-1] 0. Playing Both Sides (link: "+1")[(set: $r414 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r414 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r414 to -1)-1] 0. Pluto's Heart (link: "+1")[(set: $r415 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r415 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r415 to -1)-1] 0. Reflection (link: "+1")[(set: $r416 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r416 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r416 to -1)-1] 0. Shelter (link: "+1")[(set: $r417 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r417 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r417 to -1)-1] 0. Shipwrecked (link: "+1")[(set: $r418 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r418 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r418 to -1)-1] 0. Two Elements (link: "+1")[(set: $r419 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r419 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r419 to -1)-1] 0. Work Together (link: "+1")[(set: $r420 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r420 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r420 to -1)-1] 0. You are Being Hunted (link: "+1")[(set: $r421 to 1)+1] (link: "0")[(set: $r421 to 0)0] (link: "-1")[(set: $r421 to -1)-1] [[Let me confirm my votes.->R4 Confirm]] [[The time has come. TO THE FINAL ROUND!!!->FR]] [[Dang it, lemme check round 3 again.->R3]] [[Y'know, lemme check round 2 again.->R2]] [[Hmmm... lemme check round 1 again.->R1]] (click: ?star)[(replace: ?star)[ *(The last number clicked for a theme will be the theme's score. If you accidentally click a second one and want to go back to the first, you'll need to confirm your votes, then modify them.)*]] ](else:)[(display: "R4 Results")]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Are you okay with your round 4 voting choices? 0. Alone in the World $r401 0. Break the System $r402 0. Companion $r403 0. Connections $r404 0. Destroy to Create $r405 0. Everyday Hazards $r406 0. Growing Things $r407 0. Hallucination $r408 0. Imperfect Information $r409 0. Indirect Control $r410 0. Little But Mighty $r411 0. Mind Control $r412 0. Perspective $r413 0. Playing Both Sides $r414 0. Pluto's Heart $r415 0. Reflection $r416 0. Shelter $r417 0. Shipwrecked $r418 0. Two Elements $r419 0. Work Together $r420 0. You are Being Hunted $r421 [[Hmm... I wanna make changes.->R4]] (link: "I am satisfied. TO THE FINAL ROUND!")[(goto: "FR")] (link: "Let me look at round 3's choices again.")[(goto: "R3")] (link: "Show me the round 2 results.")[(goto: "R2")] (link: "I wanna look at the round 1 results.")[(goto: "R1")]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ These are the results for the round 3 voting. The top five will go on to the final round. (if: $r3resultsseen is not true)[ Wow, the only positive one in this set is Death is Not the End. Watch it lose horribly in the final round, though.(set: $r3resultsseen to true)] 0. Death is Not the End 151 0. Build Your Way Out -108 0. Destroying Yourself -159 0. It Spreads! -279 0. No Combat -318 0. Artificial Intelligence -339 0. You are Not Supposed to Be Here -361 0. Unusual Movement -375 0. Asymmetric -382 0. Mutation -456 0. Multiple Layers -467 0. Strange World -481 0. It Was Not Supposed to Work Like That -495 0. Stick Together -504 0. Shadows -525 0. Consequences -526 0. Parallel Dimension -603 0. Revolution -841 0. Misplaced in Time -851 0. Dreamscape -888 (link: "Take me back to the final round of voting.")[(goto: "FR")] (link: "I want to see the round 1 results.")[(goto: "R1")] (link: "Show me the round 2 results.")[(goto: "R2")] (link: "How about the round 4 results?")[(goto: "R4")]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ These are the results for the round 4 voting. The top five will go on to the final round. (if: $r4resultsseen is not true)[ Another round with only one positive result. Maybe the final round of voting should just be the themes that got positive scores in previous rounds.(set: $r4resultsseen to true)] 0. Alone in the World 97 0. Growing Things -40 0. Companion -168 0. Indirect Control -224 0. You are Being Hunted -329 0. Break the System -360 0. Connections -415 0. Playing Both Sides -432 0. Destroy to Create -454 0. Shelter -462 0. Two Elements -539 0. Imperfect Information -546 0. Shipwrecked -594 0. Little But Mighty -716 0. Pluto’s Heart -776 0. Perspective -785 0. Reflection -788 0. Hallucination -802 0. Work Together -815 0. Mind Control -842 0. Everyday Hazards -929 (link: "Take me back to the final round of voting.")[(goto: "FR")] (link: "I want to see the round 1 results.")[(goto: "R1")] (link: "Show me the round 2 results.")[(goto: "R2")] (link: "How about the round 3 results?")[(goto: "R3")](╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ クッッソォォォォ!!! 0. You are the Monster 236 0. A World in the Skies 1 0. Death is Not the End -133 0. Growing Things -135 0. Alone in the World -232 0. Can't Stop Moving -284 0. Beyond the Wall -390 0. One Rule -480 0. Abandoned -555 0. Destroying Yourself -585 0. Expanding World -671 0. Companion -672 0. Chain Reaction -679 0. No Enemies -756 0. A Map Will Be Useful -888 0. Day and Night -931 0. Power Supply -1019 0. Build Your Way Out -1042 0. Limited Capacity -1067 0. Attraction -1244 (link: "Go back.")[(goto: "Really? Seriously?")] <audio src="fu.ogg" autoplay>(if: $r520 > 0 and $r5angered is not true)[(set: $mad += 1)WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ STOP IT! FIX IT! RAWR!!!(set: $r5angered to true)](elseif: $r520 > 0)[(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ RAWR!!!](elseif: $mad > 0)[(━┳━ _ ━┳━)](else:)[Are you okay with your final round voting choices?] 0. A Map Will Be Useful $r501 0. A World in the Skies $r502 0. Abandoned $r503 0. Alone in the World $r504 0. Attraction $r505 0. Beyond the Wall $r506 0. Build Your Way Out $r507 0. Can't Stop Moving $r508 0. Chain Reaction $r509 0. Companion $r510 0. Day and Night $r511 0. Death is Not the End $r512 0. Destroying Yourself $r513 0. Expanding World $r514 0. Growing Things $r515 0. Limited Capacity $r516 0. No Enemies $r517 0. One Rule $r518 0. Power Supply $r519 0. You are the Monster $r520 [[Hmm... I wanna make changes.->FR]] [[Everything looks good. Now to wait for the theme announcement.->Time Warp 2]] (link: "Gimme round 4's results.")[(goto: "R4")] (link: "Let me look at round 3's results.")[(goto: "R3")] (link: "Show me the round 2 results.")[(goto: "R2")] (link: "I wanna look at the round 1 results.")[(goto: "R1")] (if: $r520 > 0)[<audio src="rawr.ogg" autoplay>](set: $latestround to 6)<img src="timewarp.png" width="640" height="480" alt="TIME WARP" align="center"> ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ So, while we're stuck in a time warp... at what time of day does the Ludum Dare theme announcment happen for you? [[Early morning, about when I would usually wake up for a work day.]] [[Around midday.->Waking up]] [[In the evening.]] [[In the wee hours of the morning when the world itself should be asleep.]] <audio src="timewarp.ogg" autoplay><img src="timewarp.png" width="640" height="480" alt="TIME WARP" align="center"> ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ And do you plan to get up early enough to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when the theme is announced? [[Of course! I am so ready for this.->BEBT]] [[Fuck no! It's Saturday. The theme will still be there when I wake up. Besides, it's good to go into a game jam well-rested. Grants bonuses to the creativity stat and coding skill.->Waking up 2]]<img src="timewarp.png" width="640" height="480" alt="TIME WARP" align="center"> ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ And do you await the theme announcement alone or with friends? [[With IRL friends, in the flesh. We always do Ludum Dare together, even if we submit separately!-> IRL Friends]] [[I hit up the IRC channel and chill with my Ludum Dare friends there.->IRC Friends]] [[Alone.->Alone]]<img src="timewarp.png" width="640" height="480" alt="TIME WARP" align="center"> ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Will you be staying up late for the announcement? [[Hell, yeah!->In the evening.]] [[Nah. The theme will still be there when I wake up in the morning.->Waking up 2]]... (⋋▂⋌) You know what? I don't wanna talk to you right now. If you wanna keep slaughtering themes, (link: "go ahead.")[(goto: "Theme 5")] I'll see you again when the (link: "voting rounds begin.")[(goto: "Time Warp")]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ You get up and brush your tail to keep it from being *quite* so bushy. No one likes bed-tail. Then you hum to yourself- wait, *do* you hum? (link: "Of course I do!")[(set: $hums to true)(goto: "Morning Errands")] [[HAHAHAHAHA no.->Morning Errands]] <audio src="morning.ogg" autoplay>ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (if: $pose is true)[You hold your pose for a moment before realizing how bad you need to pee. That kicks you into finishing off your morning routine.](else:)[Just because it's Saturday doesn't mean you can't make the most of the morning, right?] You hum to yourself- wait, *do* you hum? (link: "Of course I do!")[(set: $hums to true)(goto: "Morning Errands")] [[HAHAHAHAHA no.->Morning Errands]] <audio src="morning.ogg" autoplay>ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ You go to bed, excited. It's like Christmas is to little kids, except that PoV is Santa Claus (but more real), and the gift he will bring you is the theme. Once you fall asleep, though, you sleep well. This is great. You awake, feeling refreshed and ready to go. [[Yippee!->Find Theme]]The IRC channel is abuzz with so much chatter it's just a constant scroll. There's really no point in trying to converse this close to the theme announcement. Indeed, you don't bother. Then it is time. PoV silences everyone in the #ludumdare IRC channel who isn't voiced or an op. Dezzles woots. A few people connect and disconnect. With little fanfare, PoV changes the channel title. (font: "Courier New, monospace")[(color: "LimeGreen")[Ludum Dare 33 - August 21st-24th | #LDJAM | U+2603 | Theme: You are the Monster]] ... ............... [[...............................->Narrator rage]] <audio src="whut.ogg" autoplay><img src="fu.png" width="640" height="480" alt="F12U6" align="center"> There has to be some mistake. This can't be! How did the worst possible theme from all the way back during the slaughter make it to first place?! (if: $misclick is true)[ ... This is all **your** fault! [[What?! How is this my fault?!->My Fault]]] [[Dude, chill. Just because you don't like the theme doesn't make it bad. I'm sure you'll think of something to do with it->Dislike theme]] [[You're right. This is the worst theme ever.->Worst Theme Ever]] <audio src="fu.ogg" autoplay>ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It's a very old chat room protocol. If you're young enough, you might not have heard of it. We old folk cut our teeth on IRC and still appreciate it for the utility it provides without using up all of a computer's resources. Back in the Old Days™, you had to have a fancy-schmancy program to use IRC. That's still the best way to do it, but if you don't wanna be bothered, the Ludum Dare web site has a page that lets you <a href="http://ludumdare.com/compo/irc/" target="_blank">connect to IRC in your browser.</a> The people in the Ludum Dare IRC channel are friendly and helpful. Need questions answered or your game playtested? Try there first. [[Got it. Let's continue the story then.->Theme Announcement]] <audio src="okay.ogg" autoplay>You boot up your PC, knowing better than to try the Ludum Dare web site. It's always over capacity when the theme is announced. Besides, the first place the theme will be announced is the #ludumdare IRC channel. [[Time to log into IRC!->Theme Announcement]] [[Uh... IRC?->What is IRC?]] <audio src="boot.ogg" autoplay>ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (if: $hums is true)[You hum to yourself as you](else:)[You quietly] go about things like making breakfast and tidying up the place. Ludum Dare is always much more pleasant when the environment you work in is nice. Eventually, though, the time is nigh. (display: "Boot up")o(-`д´- 。) Remember when you misclicked "good" for You are the Monster during the theme slaughter and how I told you I'd blame you later? [[Really? Seriously?]] [[Ugh, whatever. Just 'cause you dislike the theme doesn't make it bad.->Dislike theme]] <audio src="rawr.ogg" autoplay>(set: $stubborn to 0)Dislike? ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ This isn't about dislike! It's about repetition! You are the Monster is a fine theme. The problem is that we just had You are the Villain recently! [[Actually, that was eight themes ago. December 2012.->Long Ago]] [[You realize those are two different themes, right?->Different]] <audio src="rawr.ogg" autoplay>ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ You and your friends have a good time waiting for the theme announcement. Drinks are drunk, laughter is heard, and good times are had by all. As the time for the theme announcement approaches, the level of excitement in the room approaches N*(L/D)^33, where N is the number of friends (including yourself). (display: "Log in")ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ You log in to much excited chattering. There are a lot of usernames you don't recognize, as well as some you barely recognize because they pretty much only ever log in to #ludumdare for the theme announcement. The regulars have created half a dozen overflow channels in which actual conversation can occur, and you putz around in one while waiting. (display: "Theme Announcement")ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ You do alone things in your alone time. Reading, gaming, meditating, yoga, cooking, bubble bath... whatever you feel like. It is glorious. You feel mentally ready for Ludum Dare. (display: "Boot up")The time is at hand! You know better than to try the Ludum Dare web site. It's always over capacity when the theme is announced. Besides, the first place the theme will be announced is the #ludumdare IRC channel. [[Time to log into IRC!->Theme Announcement]] [[Uh... IRC?->What is IRC?]] <audio src="boot.ogg" autoplay>(if: $mad > 1)[ಠ_ಠ ... What are you playing at? You voted for it. On purpose. [[Well... I changed my mind.->Mind changed]] (link: "Haha, just fucking with you.")[(set: $mad += 1)(goto: "Fucking with you")] <audio src="whut.ogg" autoplay> ](else:)[(display: "Hmph")]Oh. I see. (display: "Hmph")凸ಠ益ಠ)凸 THE END (display: "The End") <audio src="fu.ogg" autoplay>( ︶︿︶) You do that. The End (display: "The End") <audio src="okay.ogg" autoplay>Yes! YES! ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ LET US STAND TOGETHER IN INEFFECTUAL PROTEST! THE END (display: "The End") <audio src="rawr.ogg" autoplay><a href="http://www.twitter.com/crowbeak/" target="_blank"><img src="crowbeak.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="Crowbeak" align="left" hspace="10"></a>This game was written in Twine for Ludum Dare 33 (You are the Monster) by Lena LeRay. The narrator represents Lena's feelings about the theme. Over the course of deciding to do something meta regarding Ludum Dare's growth and its interactions with theme selection, she convinced herself that she had been an idiot. Whether you are new to Ludum dare or <strike>just old</strike> a veteran, she hopes you found this game a combination of entertaining and thought-provoking. You slaughtered $votes themes. (if: $catsgood is true)[ You were wrong about Cats being a good theme, though. ಠ_ಠ](if: $ltrefresh > 0)[ You refreshed the last theme in the mock slaughter $ltrefresh times.](if: $r415 is 1)[ You upvoted the joke theme, Pluto's Heart.](elseif: $r415 is -1)[ You downvoted the joke theme, Pluto's Heart.] You insisted that the narrator is stubborn $stubborn times. You got the narrator's anger level up to $mad. (if: $mad > 7)[ You literally couldn't have made the narrator any madder.](else:)[(The max is 8.)] To play this interactive soapbox again, refresh the page.( ︶︿︶) Well, I'm not going to make a game this time around. Hmph. [[Whatever floats your boat. I'm still gonna try.->Gonna try theme anyway]] [[Me, neither!->Quit in a huff]]o(-`д´- 。) Really. Seriously. [[Dude, it won by hundreds of points. I only had one vote.->One Vote]] [[Whatever. Just 'cause you don't like the theme doesn't make it bad.->Dislike theme]](set: $mad += 1)ヽ(#`Д´)ノ SO WHAT?! Every vote counts. You voted. You voted badly. [[Whatever. Just 'cause you don't like the theme doesn't make it bad.->Dislike theme]] <audio src="rawr.ogg" autoplay>(set: $longagoseen to true)Σ(・口・) WHAT?! No. ...really? [[Really.->Really]] <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludum_Dare" target="_blank">(Sauce)</a> <audio src="shock.ogg" autoplay>(set: $differentseen to true)( ̄ヘ ̄;) They're not *exactly* the same, but they're still pretty much the same. Monster and villain are synonymous. [[They *can* be synonymous, but they don't *have* to be. What about Cookie Monster?->Cookie Monster]](@゚ペ@) ... ...... o(T^T)o I'M OLD! [[Yup.->Yes Old]] [[No, you're just a long-time veteran of Ludum Dare.->Veteran]](`Д´メ凸 Get over here, you little shit. I'll show *you* who's young and spry! [[Calm down, old timer, before your blood pressure gets too high.->Old 2]] [[Anyway, not all of us have been around here as long as you have.->Many Newbies]] <audio src="howdareyou.ogg" autoplay>( ̄ヘ ̄;) I suppose I am. [[Anyway, not all of us have been around here as long as you have.->Many Newbies]](set: $mad += 1)щ(ಠ益ಠщ) WHY YOU— [[Anyway, not all of us have been around here as long as you have.->Many Newbies]] <audio src="rawr.ogg" autoplay>(¬▂¬) Did the price of rice in China just go up or down? [[Did the... what?->China Rice Price]] [[Do you know how quickly Ludum Dare has grown in the last few years?->Growth]] <audio src="whut.ogg" autoplay>(¬▂¬) Someone else might ask, "What does that have to do with the price of rice in China?" In other words, what does new members of the LD community have to do with anything? [[Oh. Well, do you know how much the Ludum Dare community has grown in recent years?->Growth]](¬▂¬) Yeah, of course. The first 13 LDs had less than 100 entries each. By LD20, it was almost to 300 entries. LD21 had double the number of entries of LD20, and LD22 tripled LD20's amount. The next three LDs had over 1,000 entries each, and since then it's all been in the 2,000s at a rate that rises fairly steadily. Why? [[Have you considered how much growth that is? LD32 had more than twice the number of entries that LD25 You are the Villain did. That's a lot of people that didn't get to make games for You are the Villain which now have the chance to do you are the monster.->Growth 2]]( ̄ヘ ̄;) That's still like 1,400 people and teams that *did* do You are the Villain, though. What about them?! (if: $differentseen is true)[ [[We already talked about this. They're not the same thing. Quit being stubborn.->Stubborn]]](else:)[ [[What does it matter? They're not the same theme.->Different]]]ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ I AM NOT STUBBORN! (link: "Yes, you are.")[(set: $mad += 1)(set: $stubborn += 1)(goto: "Yes Stubborn")] [[...->Silence]] <audio src="fu.ogg" autoplay>( ̄ヘ ̄;) What about him? [[Is *he* a villain?->Cookie Monster 2]]( ̄ヘ ̄;) Kids' show monsters don't count. [[That's silly. Power Rangers is a kids' show. It has monsters that are villains.->Power Rangers]]( ̄ヘ ̄;) So what? [[So you're being a stupid poopy-pants poopy-head. Stop it.->Poopy]] [[I have provided one example of each of good and evil monsters from kids' shows. Clearly they do count. Shall I provide more examples, from both kids' and adults' shows? How about monsters who are human but aren't really villains because they're fucked up and as much a victim as their victims are? Or maybe...->Moar Examples]](`Д´メ凸 Who you callin' poopy-pants poopy-head, Mr. or Ms. poopy-shirt poopy-feet poopy-poop?! [[...that doesn't even make sense.->Poopy 2]] [[Anyway, I can provide as many examples as you might want of monsters who are not villains and vice-versa.->Moar Examples]] <audio src="howdareyou.ogg" autoplay>ヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ No! Fuck. Fine, I get it already. [[You still don't like it though, do you?->Don't like it]](set: $mad += 1)щ(ಠ益ಠщ) I'LL MAKE SENSE OUTTA YOUR— [[Anyway, I can provide as many examples as you might want of monsters who are not villains and vice-versa.->Moar Examples]] <audio src="rawr.ogg" autoplay>(#`д´)ノ Of course I don't like it! Besides, we just did You are the Villain not too long ago. (if: $longagoseen is true)[ [[We already talked about this. That was years ago and Ludum Dare has grown a lot since then. Quit being stubborn.->Stubborn]]](else:)[ [[You are the Villain was eight themes and almost three years ago.->Long Ago]]] <audio src="rawr.ogg" autoplay>( ̄ヘ ̄;) ... Fine. Maybe I am stubborn. A little. Sometimes. [[Part of the fun of Ludum Dare is figuring out something interesting to do with the theme, right?->Right]]щ(ಠ益ಠщ) NO, I'M NOT! (link: "Yes, you are.")[(set: $stubborn += 1)(goto: "Yes Stubborn")] [[...->Silence]]( ̄ヘ ̄;) ... Yes. [[And part of the fun of Ludum Dare is challenging yourself to do something new, right?->Right 2]]( ̄ヘ ̄;) ... ...... Yes. [[As a veteran of Ludum Dare, you have a lot of experience with that, right?->Right 3]]( ̄ヘ ̄;) ... ...... Yes, of course. [[So why not just think of it as a challenge to your creativity?->Creativity]]( ̄ヘ ̄;) ... I could do that, I suppose. [[What did you make for You are the Villain?->Creativity 2]]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I made a really awesome text-based simulation game called <a href="http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-25/?action=preview&uid=16689" target="_blank">Decommissioner</a> in which the player thought they were shuffling robots around when really they were deciding which secret slaves lived and died! [[Surely you can find something new to do with You are the Monster, then.->Do something new]] [[...that's creepy.->Creepy]] <audio src="decommissioner.ogg" autoplay>ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I sure can! Thank you, person on the other side of the screen. You've really helped me see the light! I'm gonna make an awesome game for You are the Monster and win Ludum Dare! [[Uh.. except that Ludum Dare 33 is actually over now and we're in the ratings stage.->Ratings Nao]] <audio src="okay.ogg" autoplay>ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Thanks! [[So, uh... surely you can find something new to do with You are the Monster, then, right?->Do something new]] <audio src="okay.ogg" autoplay>Σ(・口・) WHAT?! \(〇O〇)/ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo......... THE END (display: "The End") <audio src="ohnoes.ogg" autoplay>ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ You turn your computer on while you take care of morning things such as peeing and getting a drink. You sit down, breakfast in hand, to look at the theme. [[This is so exciting!->Find Theme 2]] <audio src="morning.ogg" autoplay>Ludum Dare 33 The Theme is: You are the Monster ... ............... [[...............................->Narrator rage]] <audio src="whut.ogg" autoplay>