The last day we were in Juneau, Kyle was giving wedding guests free zip line tours. I am over the weight limit the company imposes, so I spent the morning walking around the downtown Juneau area. You win some, you lose some — I hadn’t gotten the chance to take Continue Reading
Hotel Halsingland
Ash, Patti, and I got into Haines near midnight. We’d spent all day driving across Canada, and since Patti had slept poorly for the previous few nights, she was tired and wanted to get a hotel room. We drove around for a bit, trying to find the best deal in Continue Reading
A Skateboard Park & The Woods
Ash, Patti, and I had some free time after breakfast and before Kyle’s wedding started. That was when we checked out RainTree Quilting. After I’d bored Ash & Patti with a lengthy visit to a quilt shop, we still had time to blow. I suggested we go look for some Continue Reading
Changing Tides Fiber Art Shop
Changing Tides in Juneau isn’t technically a hole-in-the-wall shop, since it’s on the second floor of a building full of shops. I found it via a street-level window display. It’s also a little bigger than what I consider hole-in-the-wall. But as it caters to cross stitching and needlepoint as well Continue Reading
RainTree Quilting
While I was in Juneau for Kyle’s wedding, I visited two quilt shops. I wanted to visit at least one, so Ash pulled up the GPS app on his iPhone. The first one on the list was RainTree Quilting. RainTree Quilting is located off of Mendenhall Loop Road. A few Continue Reading
The Shrine of St. Therese
I attended my friend Kyle’s wedding in Juneau, Alaska on Friday. It was held at the Shrine of St. Therese, in a simple Catholic chapel perched on one of the loveliest spots I’ve ever seen. I strongly recommend visiting it if you’re in Juneau. (Edit: Kyle’s left some more information Continue Reading
Bright Green Gaijin Pants, Post 3-9
My first blog, titled Bright Green Gaijin Pants, was a chronicle of my time as an exchange student in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan. I’ve decided to repost its contents on this blog. For a full list of all these posts, check out the Bright Green Gaijin Pants category. The first blog Continue Reading
Out of Town for a Wedding
Well, I meant to post another Bright Green Gaijin Pants entry on Tuesday night, before I left town. I forgot to finish it up, though, and since all that really remains is adding photos back into it and those photos are on my PC at home… that’s not happening until Continue Reading
Zynga, the controversial developer of a cluster of successful Facebook game applications including FarmVille and Mafia Wars, recently rolled out their newest moneymaker: FrontierVille. They’re billing it as “Oregon Trail meets Little House on the Prairie meets FarmVille.” While I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration, FrontierVille is definitely Continue Reading
Bright Green Gaijin Pants, Post 3-8
My first blog, titled Bright Green Gaijin Pants, was a chronicle of my time as an exchange student in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan. I’ve decided to repost its contents on this blog. For a full list of all these posts, check out the Bright Green Gaijin Pants category. The first blog Continue Reading