About 95% of fan fiction is pure crap — the authors didn’t even care enough about their own work to put it through a spell check or ask someone to read and critique it or anything along those lines. Many of these are Mary Sue stories. Most of them involve Continue Reading
Work in Progress: Final Fantasy Tissue Box Cover
In the process of working my way up in difficulty to the needlepoint projects I daydream about, I am making a tissue box cover. I’m pretty sure everyone who’s ever done plastic canvas needlepoint has done at least one of these, and by the time I finish this project I Continue Reading
Getting Into Plastic Canvas, Part 2 – Testing Things
In my previous post on plastic canvas needlepoint, I talked a bit about what it is and what people have done with it. In this post, I chronicle the embarkation of my journey toward understanding what all can be done with it, and how. You can find larger versions of Continue Reading
Getting Into Plastic Canvas, Part 1
I’ve been interested in plastic canvas needlepoint for some years now. I never got into it because I never had sufficient motivation for doing so. Now I find myself with a fantastic idea for a halloween costume, with plastic canvas contruction being the most accessible and cheapest option for creating Continue Reading
Suikoden: Tierkreis Review for Long-Standing Suikoden Fans
This review of Suikoden: Tierkreis is specifically intended for people who’ve been fans of the Suikoden series for a long time, a discourse about how Tierkreis compares to the rest of the Suikoden games. It doesn’t cover the basics a normal review would give you, and it doesn’t involve any Continue Reading
Raised on Dungeons & Dragons
Wil Wheaton has been waxing nostalgic about his D&D experiences and telling us about the campaign he’s running for his son and friends over at his blog lately. This, in turn, has had me waxing nostalgic about my own D&D experiences. I’m lucky enough to have parents who have played Continue Reading
SuikOh Noes!
I’ve been a fan of the Suikoden games for a long time. Even through the disappointments that were the third and fourth games in the series, I’ve retained, on the whole, a positive attitude towards the series. I haven’t played Rhapsodia (retitled Suikoden Tactics for its English release) yet, but Continue Reading
Making the Best Use of Recount, Part 1: The Introduction
This is the first in what is to be a series of posts about Recount. Links to the rest are at the bottom. What Recount Is Recount is an add-on for World of Warcraft. It keeps track of many types of battle data for all members of your group. The Continue Reading
The Word “Nigger”
10 years later edit (March 24, 2019): I’ve grown as a person in the past ten years. Many of the things I wrote here – about how it doesn’t make sense for it to be okay for black people to use the word nigger, my then-scorn for the guy in Continue Reading
This Morning on Twitter
About five minutes before I needed to leave my house to catch the bus this morning, I had some fun on Twitter. As best as I can tell, it’s been erased from my profile. I dunno what happened, but my friend Ted retweeted it at me. Here’s a transcript of Continue Reading