I make a lot of stuff for my classes. Some of it is great, some of it sucks, some can be reused, and others are just one-time things. The ones that can be reused aren’t always things I feel others would want. I have come up with a few things, Continue Reading
What Ludum Dare has Done for Me
I originally posted this on April 9, 2013 on my blog on Gamasutra. Cross-posting here, as I should have done before. I first learned of Ludum Dare last August. I wasn’t in time to participate, but I was able to play a wide variety of interesting games. That got me fired up — Continue Reading
An Example of International Copyright Helping Nobody — Not Customer, nor Developer, nor Publisher
This is cross-posted from my blog on Gamasutra. This is the story all about howMy mind got flipped, turned upside down.I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there,And I’ll tell you how Apple’s customer service punished me for wanting to make an in-app purchase. The Setup When I Continue Reading
Cross-Country: A Game for Teaching State Names and Postal Abbreviations
I sometimes make board games for use in my English classes. Today I’d like to tell you about the most recent of those, Cross-Country, which was designed to use a map of U.S. states as the board.
The Soul of BitSummit
This was originally posted on March 9, 2013 on my blog on Gamasutra. I really should have cross-posted it here in the first place. BitSummit is awesome and I am proud to have helped out with it. I fully intend to help again next year. So, BitSummit happened on Saturday. It was a Continue Reading
Beauty and the Beast (TV, 2012)
Two nights ago, right before bed, I got caught up on watching Once Upon a Time and found myself surprised by one of the, “if you like this show, maybe you’ll like one of these” recommendations. Beauty and the Beast? The font didn’t make it look like the 1980s show, but… Continue Reading
My Students are Awesome
I have awesome students. I don’t know the third person in this conversation — I assume it’s one of my student’s new friends at his high school. Still, I’m pretty damn proud of him right now. His English really is clunky at best, but I’ll be damned if he doesn’t Continue Reading
Trailers that Get the Wrong Reaction
I saw Iron Man 3 at the theater last weekend. It was a good movie, but that’s not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about an ad before the movie which starred this fine gentleman: One of the trailers was for the upcoming G.I. Joe movie. Once Continue Reading
Trifecta: Poke for OSX, Itch.io, and the Ender’s Game Trailer
Poke & itch.io Six years later edit (April 20, 2019): You can no longer download Poke from itch.io. Sorry folks Item one: there is now a Mac OSX build for Poke, the game I mentioned in my last post. It can be downloaded from item two, which is my profile Continue Reading
Another Ludum Dare has come around and once again I have participated. The theme this time was Minimalism, and I did not do as well this time as last time.