Categories Development

What Ludum Dare has Done for Me

I originally posted this on April 9, 2013 on my blog on Gamasutra. Cross-posting here, as I should have done before. I first learned of Ludum Dare last August. I wasn’t in time to participate, but I was able to play a wide variety of interesting games. That got me fired up — Continue Reading

Categories Development


Another Ludum Dare has come around and once again I have participated. The theme this time was Minimalism, and I did not do as well this time as last time.

Categories Development

Ludum Dare

One of the things in my mess of being busy in the past couple of months was Ludum Dare, a game jam which is held every four months. A game jam is a challenge in which game developers must create a video game from scratch — concept, design, coding, everything Continue Reading