Categories Games

EA Has Surprised Me

My last customer service interaction with EA Games is one of many reasons I’m boycotting their products. I installed Origin today, though, as I already have a couple of games acquired through it. It seemed the easiest way to find out if they ever got ported to Mac (unlikely though Continue Reading

Categories Games

PyroFalkon’s Sims 3 Socialism Challenge

My friend PyroFalkon is a huge fan of The Sims. He was the one who introduced me to the Legacy Challenge, which has taken over how I play The Sims. He has created a new challenge which he calls the Sims 3 Socialism Challenge and is currently beta testing it in Continue Reading

Categories Games

The MacEpic Legacy: Movin’ Up

It’s been a while since I played The Sims 3, and a while since the MacEpic family got any love. I’ve played since my last update, though I didn’t report on what happened. I’m sure I’ve forgotten some things, but here are the basics. I went ahead and had Frederick Continue Reading

Categories Games

The MacEpic Legacy: The Heir is Born

I took some time to color-coordinate the house in red and pink, Kevin’s and Zelda’s favorite colors, respectively. I then expanded the house, making sure to have enough room for an addition to the family. The incoming kid would get its own room; the addition of a dining room enabled Continue Reading

Categories Games

The MacEpic Legacy: Wedding Belle

While watching the first live action Death Note movie (and the first half of the second), I worked on the MacEpic Legacy. He received two promotions in quick order, thanks to some opportunities and the fact that his Lifetime Wish and job requirements work together well. With Kevin making more Continue Reading

Categories Games

The MacEpic Legacy: The Jolly Green Hobo

Having created my Sims 3 Legacy Challenge Scorecard, I’ve started a legacy of my own. The family name is MacEpic, and I’ve dubbed the founder, Kevin, the Jolly Green Hobo. Name: Kevin MacEpic Favorite Food: PancakesFavorite Music: Kids’ MusicFavorite Color: Red Traits: Bookworm, computer Whiz, Family-Oriented, Lucky, Good Sense of Continue Reading

Categories Games

Sims 3 Legacy Challenge Scorecard Spreadsheet

I recently acquired The Sims 3. A friend of mine then introduced me to the Sims Legacy Challenge, which was originally conceptualized for The Sims 2. The goal is to start a new game with one impoverished Sim owning a large plot of land with no house on it and Continue Reading