Here’s the proof that all the recent effort spent on refactoring my phonics shmup was worth it — things are visibly changing and gameplay is evolving. :D
Here’s the proof that all the recent effort spent on refactoring my phonics shmup was worth it — things are visibly changing and gameplay is evolving. :D
This is just a quick post to say that I did get the phonics shmup caught up in Unity to where I had it in Godot.* It took me about as much time as I expected, though I didn’t get the work done on the days I expected. It now Continue Reading
I was thinking about the fact that my students are young and Japanese, and more easily impressed by flashy things than non-flashy ones. I am not a graphic artist, really, so I decided to rebuild my phonics shmup in Unity. The ease of grabbing things from the asset store aids Continue Reading