There’s some work to be done here involving the animations’ timing and the feel of things… but it functions. Hurrah! There’s definitely a bug that allows one button to change position without the other button moving to swap places with it. I need to play around with it more. Making Continue Reading
video game
Phonics Shmup Progress, 4/22
I participated in Ludum Dare last weekend. Although it was far from my most successful LD in terms of getting a good game done, since I used the Godot Engine to make it I learned a lot. This is particularly true in the area of dealing with collisions. So it Continue Reading
Phonics shmup progress, 3/8 and 3/14
I am trying to get in the habit of changing how I talk about this project. Apparently shmups don’t count as shooters to some people. The way I see it, you’re shooting things, ergo it is a shooter, but I prefer to use terms in standard ways, so here we Continue Reading
Let’s Talk About Alto’s Adventure
I don’t generally like endless runners, but Alto’s Adventure is something special. Below is the script for my newest Let’s Talk About… video discussing why.
Let’s Talk About Downwell
Happy new year! I’ve made another video for YouTube, this time about a roguelite game called Downwell. The script is after the break. If you don’t know what I mean by roguelite, check out my video RogueliKes, RogueliTes, and Procedural Death Labyrinths.
Trifecta: Poke for OSX,, and the Ender’s Game Trailer
Poke & Six years later edit (April 20, 2019): You can no longer download Poke from Sorry folks Item one: there is now a Mac OSX build for Poke, the game I mentioned in my last post. It can be downloaded from item two, which is my profile Continue Reading
Another Ludum Dare has come around and once again I have participated. The theme this time was Minimalism, and I did not do as well this time as last time.