Categories Games

TorqueL, the Rolling Box 2D Platformer

I originally posted this on April 18, 2013 on my blog on Gamasutra. Cross-posting here because this game looks great. It’s on Steam Greenlight Concepts with a demo available, and I urge you to check it out. Overcrowding at BitSummit meant that in the short time we had for looking Continue Reading

Categories Development

What Ludum Dare has Done for Me

I originally posted this on April 9, 2013 on my blog on Gamasutra. Cross-posting here, as I should have done before. I first learned of Ludum Dare last August. I wasn’t in time to participate, but I was able to play a wide variety of interesting games. That got me fired up — Continue Reading

Categories Games

The Soul of BitSummit

This was originally posted on March 9, 2013 on my blog on Gamasutra. I really should have cross-posted it here in the first place. BitSummit is awesome and I am proud to have helped out with it. I fully intend to help again next year. So, BitSummit happened on Saturday. It was a Continue Reading

Categories Games

(Up)Dated User Interfaces

I have fond memories of many video games. I used to go back and play those old games fairly often, but as time wears on this happens less and less. There are a few reasons for this. One is incompatibility with modern gaming systems. If you can’t make the software Continue Reading

Categories Development

Ludum Dare

One of the things in my mess of being busy in the past couple of months was Ludum Dare, a game jam which is held every four months. A game jam is a challenge in which game developers must create a video game from scratch — concept, design, coding, everything Continue Reading

Categories Games

SimCity Social Review

With a new SimCity game on the horizon for the first time in too many years, I decided to break my usual habit of boycotting Facebook games for being wastes of good gaming time and try SimCity Social.

Categories Games

The MacEpic Legacy: Movin’ Up

It’s been a while since I played The Sims 3, and a while since the MacEpic family got any love. I’ve played since my last update, though I didn’t report on what happened. I’m sure I’ve forgotten some things, but here are the basics. I went ahead and had Frederick Continue Reading

Categories Games

The MacEpic Legacy: The Heir is Born

I took some time to color-coordinate the house in red and pink, Kevin’s and Zelda’s favorite colors, respectively. I then expanded the house, making sure to have enough room for an addition to the family. The incoming kid would get its own room; the addition of a dining room enabled Continue Reading

Categories Games

The MacEpic Legacy: Wedding Belle

While watching the first live action Death Note movie (and the first half of the second), I worked on the MacEpic Legacy. He received two promotions in quick order, thanks to some opportunities and the fact that his Lifetime Wish and job requirements work together well. With Kevin making more Continue Reading